
Little Rock Office: (501) 414-8094 | Northwest Arkansas Office: (479) 301-2518

Home Energy Rx is a green company specializing in home energy assessments, certifications and energy efficient construction services for new and existing homes. Locally owned and operated, HERx is passionate about providing outstanding customer experiences through the education of energy conservation and the explanation of how consumers play an important role in reducing the demand of energy while benefiting from services that reduce utility cost as well as increase comfort.

What We Do

What We Do

Home Energy Rx employs certified building scientists who provide solutions to improve energy-efficiency in homes. We do not recommend any improvements that do not scientifically and financially make sense.

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Step 1.
Home Energy Audit

Step 1. Home Energy Audit

Our certified energy auditors run complete efficiency tests to measure home air infiltration and duct leakage. Wall, attic & crawlspace insulation levels are evaluated to ensure adequate coverage.

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Step 2.
Energy Improvements

Step 2. Energy Improvements

Moving forward with energy improvements that make sense financially is a major step towards an energy efficient home. We can help in many ways to complete improvements to your home’s energy efficiency.

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Step 3.
Efficient Behavior

Step 3. Efficient Behavior

As a homeowner, there are some things you can do to substantially help conserve your energy usage. Home Energy RX will guide you though the many ways you can have a greener home and a smaller carbon footprint.

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First impressions on a customer interaction are very important, especially since they have more impact when they are negative as [...]

Healthy Homes

There are many practices to maintaining a healthy home that I find are very lacking in most routines for the [...]

The Case Against Attic Fans

After 3 years of performing home energy assessments, I’ve come to the conclusion that attic fans are typically the main [...]

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“Northwest Regional Housing Authority proudly provides ENERGY STAR 3.0 and WaterSense certified new homes. Our established history with Home Energy Rx for testing, HERS Ratings, and certifications makes for a successful team.”
Cliff Kollin, Northwest Regional Housing Authority, Harrison, AR